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Newsletter Archiv: Sovereign Europe

The Bertelsmann Stiftung's Europe Newsletter provides information on topics relevant to Europe, current European policy events and relevant studies and events of the Bertelsmann Stiftung and its partners in the area of "A strong Europe in a global world.

The Foundation's European work covers a wide range of issues and therefore the newsletter reports on citizens' representative opinions on Europe (eupinions ), on analyses of political issues and megatrends in Europe, on economic, political and social issues as well as of security and foreign policy issues. It also addresses institutional aspects of the euro area and the single European market, with the aim of providing ideas for a sovereign and solidarity-based Europe with added value for citizens (Repair und Prepare: Strengthening Europe).

With the "Strategies for the EU Neighbourhood" we analyse the EU's relations with the direct states in the East and South for a good neighbourhood. Our studies revolve around proposals for solutions as to how democratic and market-economy reforms can be designed and implemented in the EU's neighboring countries. We also focus on the rule of law, crisis prevention and conflict mitigation.

In the "Vision Europe" project, we develop proposals for a redesign of Europe. In doing so, we use the concept of European common goods as a criterion for a sovereign Europe in the issues important to the Union. In addition, there is the principle of subsidiarity, which at the same time protects the competences of the nation states and ensures a citizen-oriented policy - unity in diversity.

In the Sustainable Governance Indicators (SGI) project, we use qualitative and quantitative data to analyse the quality of democracy and governance in the 41 EU and OECD countries and the sustainability of policy outcomes in economic, social and ecological terms.

With our Social Justice Index, we examine the social participation opportunities in the EU and OECD countries. Six dimensions are examined: Poverty avoidance, fair educational opportunities, access to the labour market, social inclusion and non-discrimination, health, generational equity.   

The project "Local Public Finance in Europe" deals with local finance from an international comparative perspective. This comparative research, a collaboration between the Hertie School, the University of Governance Berlin and the Bertelsmann Stiftung, sheds light on a blind spot in local public finance in more than 20 European countries.

The aim of the municipal initiative "Kein Kind zurücklassen!" (means: leave no child behind) is to give all children and young people, regardless of their origin, the best possible opportunities for a successful upbringing and participation in society. To find out how other European countries are addressing this issue, the comparative European study examines governance structures in the areas of health, social affairs, education and training in twelve countries. The partner is the German Research Institute for Public Administration in Speyer.

The "Futur of Democracy" programs contributes to strengthening the legitimacy of our democracy in Germany, Europe and in international organisations. The project "Democracy and Participation in Europe shows how citizens can participate in politics beyond elections. It is important for political Europe that new opportunities for participation are anchored in Brussels.

The "SDG-Index" examines where countries stand in the implementation of the 17 UN sustainability goals and how these can be achieved. It is published annually together with the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and forms, among other things, a basis for the European Commission's reflection paper on the EU-wide SDG implementation strategy.

In the "Global Economic Dynamics" project, we investigate important international economic trends and their effects on Germany and Europe. We are particularly interested in the options available for strengthening Europe's role in international economic relations and making European trade policy more sustainable and future-proof.



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